
Quzhou enjoys credit for efficient water controls

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-01-29

The water conservation office of East China's Zhejiang province recently announced the results of its 2020 survey of water control management and Quzhou ranked first among the cities in Zhejiang, higher than the entire province average of 5.22 points, according to local media reports on Jan 27.

That performance in the wake of an honor that recognized the city's efforts being made in the area, when Quzhou was awarded the Dayu Cup for its achievements in water control in August last year.

Quzhou has established a highly efficient organization that has undertaken a series of water protection initiatives, which last year led to the identification and resolving of more than 2,000 water-control problems.

With the increasing satisfaction of Quzhou's locals, the water conservation and control work in the city has also been fully affirmed by Zhejiang's authorities at all levels. The Quzhou municipal Party committee and the municipal government are making local water control a top priority.

To date, Quzhou has attained class II quality water levels in 19 water control sections run at the municipal level, five at river transition control sections in administrative areas and seven at centralized drinking water sources above the county level.