
Quzhou boasts quality agricultural products

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-02-02

The Zhejiang Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and seven other provincial departments recently identified 68 local areas that were cultivating special and high-quality products that characterized the Zhejiang's agricultural sector. Six of those products on the list were from the region administered by Quzhou city in East China's Zhejiang province.


Kecheng district boasts a reputation of being the "home of Chinese tangerines".

Currently, there are 11 leading enterprises operating in the tangerine industry at the provincial and municipal level. More than 50,000 people are involved in production, processing and marketing, with sales throughout Northeast, Northwest and North China.

The tangerine industry has also driven the development of the packaging, transportation, catering and accommodation sectors, which generate an additional annual output value of 310 million yuan ($48 million).

Water bamboo cane (cane shoots)

During the last harvest season for water bamboo cane or cane shoots, the Duze Agricultural Products Processing and Distribution Service Base in Qujiang -- a new site for mountaintop agriculture – began construction and the new facility will soon start operations.

Water bamboo cane is one of the leading agrarian industries in Qujiang district and after nearly 20 years, more than 533 hectares of the cane are now under cultivation in Duze town.


Tea is a traditional industry in Kaihua county, an important channel for farmers to increase their incomes and also a means for the county to raise its profile with the outside world, as well as providing significant economic and social benefits.