
A Letter to Foreign Nationals in Quzhou

Foreign Affairs Office Quzhou Municipal People's Government| Updated :2021-02-07

Dear foreign friends in Quzhou,

Foreign Affairs Office of Quzhou Municipal People's Government would like to extend sincere greetings to you.

At present, COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading abroad. There are sporadic resurgence of cases and local clusters of epidemics in some places in China. Coupled with the approaching Spring Festival and the increased flow of people, the risk of spreading the epidemic is higher, and the situation of prevention and control becomes increasingly serious. To ensure a happy, peaceful and healthy holiday, we would like to propose the following initiatives to all foreigners in Quzhou:

1. Pay attention to personal protection. Insist on healthy lifestyles and behaviors such as wearing masks, washing hands regularly, frequent ventilation, less gathering, practicing social distancing, using serving spoons and chopsticks, etc.; fully disinfect the internal and external packaging of express items from overseas, medium and high-risk areas in China; buy cold-chain products from regular markets and supermarkets, and disinfect your hand with hand sanitizer immediately after purchasing, and fully cook food before consumption; be cautious about purchasing cold-chain products from overseas and medium/high-risk areas domestically; refuse to eat wild animals.

2. Please abide by the epidemic prevention regulations. When entering public places, please wear masks, provide your health code, and cooperate with temperature measurement; pay attention to  your own health and that of your family members, and wear masks to the nearest fever clinic as soon as you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, etc. and inform the medical workers the 14-day activity trajectory and exposure history, and report to your community and unit in time. 

3. Avoid large-scale gatherings and non-essential activities. The number of participants in family or private dinners is preferably controlled below 10. We advise you not to hold or participate in any large-scale mass greetings. If it really needs to be held, the number of participants should be less than 50. And a prevention and control emergency plan should be required and approved by the local town (sub-district) in charge and the relevant industry authorities.

4. Stay local for the Spring Festival. Do not leave Quzhou unless you have to. Avoid travelling to medium/ high-risk areas and stay in Quzhou for the holidays.
On the occasion of the upcoming Spring Festival, we wish you a happy Lunar New Year, good health and a happy family!
Tel: 86-570-3085697、3073700、3083676

Foreign Affairs Office Quzhou Municipal People's Government

Feb 2, 2021