
Quzhou recruits top talents for industry upgrades

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-03-10

In recent years, by utilizing domestic and international recruitment channels, Quzhou has attracted 44 top talents in their fields with master’s degrees or above., as part of the push to upgrade the metropolis' industrial sector, according to local media on March 8.

Fang Feifei, with a master's degree from Fudan University, is a native of Qujiang district in Quzhou. At the end of last year, she was recruited back to her hometown through the Quzhou talent pool to become a cadre in the organization department of the municipal Party committee.

The development and great changes of Quzhou in recent years are said to be very impressive, with a recruitment and human resources policy that surpasses surrounding cities. Fang Feifei said the city's personnel department also provides quality services throughout the whole hiring process.

At the end of 2020, Quzhou issued a new talent policy and significantly increased support, with a boost to subsidies, among other initiatives.

For example, the housing subsidy for doctoral students has now reached 1 million yuan ($153,253), which is much higher than that of surrounding cities.

The city has reportedly reaped the benefits in its acceleration of recruitment and last year the turnover of personnel there -- with the introduction of 44 high-level people -- hit a new high.