
Quzhou green energy code cuts pollution, carbon emissions

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-03-25

To achieve its goal of reducing carbon emissions while expanding its economic development, the city of Quzhou - located in East China's Zhejiang province - recently introduced a green energy code, which is reportedly already garnering success.

One local company showed appreciable reductions in conventional power usage - widely regarded as instrumental in the push to reduce harmful emissions.

"The whole plant is using 32,000 kilowatt-hours of water and electricity today, down 1.5 percent from the previous day; 11,000 kWh of photovoltaic power was used, an increase of 48 percent month-on-month......", read the green code on its screen, which showcased its emissions reduction rate.

The green energy code utilizes two sub-boards -- green energy and carbon energy -- which respectively reflect the consumption of new energy and carbon emissions.

Based on this, the relevant departments in the city can track and control the carbon footprint of a region, a certain industry or an assigned enterprise according to its carbon quota, energy use schedule and consumption of renewable energy.

That, in turn, allows the relevant authorities in Quzhou to adjust the energy use ratio in advance.

To date, it is estimated that more than 500 energy consuming enterprises in Quzhou have been connected to the green energy code system.