
Quzhou city holds on-site jobs fair

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-05-10

Nearly 100 local companies in Quzhou – the prefecture-level city in East China's Zhejiang province – recently offered positions at an on-site jobs fair at the Quzhou College of Technology.

The jobs fair was one of a series of campus recruitment activities that were recently carried out in the city. The businesses offered 482 professional and technical positions.

"This is a grand meeting for job seekers and a team building event to relieve the shortage of talent in Quzhou's enterprises," according to one attendee of the event.

Many enterprises participating in the jobs fair said that the event had created a talent exchange between schools and business.

Among the 91 participating companies, 71 were in traditional manufacturing, offering 369 jobs. There were another 20 service sector enterprises, offering 113 jobs.

In terms of salary, the starting wage at most manufacturers is over 3,000 yuan ($466.27) a month, while the monthly salary of many technical positions can reach 8,000-10,000 yuan. The salary range of service enterprises varies, with fixed incomes of 3,500- 5,000 yuan per month.

According to statistics, 406 students secured employment at the jobs fair. The success rate of Quzhou Institute of Technology students applying for jobs was estimated at 94.47 percent.