
Quzhou wins official approval of urban brand

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-05-11


The city's logo and two mascots represent its urban brand of being the "Home of Southern Confucianism · A Model City of Virtue". [Photo/WeChat account: qz828-news]

The Quzhou city logo – as well as the cartoon images of Grandpa Confucius and the Happy Deer – represent the urban brand the "Home of Southern Confucianism · A Model City of Virtue" for the metropolis, located in China's East Zhejiang province.

These were officially registered by as collective trademarks with the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Administration and obtained the right to exclusive use as trademarks on May 7.

A collective trademark refers to the mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization, to indicate the membership of the user in that organization.

It is one of the forms of geographical indication trademark registration. The city brand is the exclusive name card of a city, promoting its society and its values, while showcasing the city's historical and cultural provenance and its unique characteristics.

On May 21, 2018, the city incorporated the urban brand the "Home of Southern Confucianism · A Model City of Virtue" into its development strategy and on July 25, 2018, Quzhou officially launched the city brand to the world.