
Highlights of Zhejiang building a demonstration zone for common prosperity

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-06-15


An aerial view of Ningbo in Zhejiang province. [Photo provided to China Daily]

The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, China's Cabinet, jointly published a guideline on June 10 supporting the eastern province of Zhejiang taking the lead in building a demonstration zone as an example for promoting common prosperity nationwide.

Let's take a look at some highlights from the guideline.

Why Zhejiang?

Zhejiang has been chosen to build the demonstration zone because it has achieved marked progress in resolving the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development and therefore is in an advantageous position, the document said. The province also has broad room for improvement and huge potential for development, it added.

Development goals:

By 2025, Zhejiang should achieve substantial progress in building the demonstration zone, with its per capita GDP reaching the level of moderately developed economies, and a social structure with a middle-income population as the majority should be generally developed by then.

By 2035, the province should see greater achievements in high-quality development and basically achieve common prosperity. Zhejiang should strive to raise its per capita GDP and the income of urban and rural residents to the standard of developed countries.

Strategic positioning:

A demonstration zone for promoting high-quality development and life; coordinating regional development between urban and rural areas; reforming income distribution system, and building a civilized, harmonious and beautiful society.

Major measures covering 6 areas:

I. Enhancing quality and efficiency of development, laying a solid material foundation for achieving common prosperity. This will be done in terms of promoting innovation and economic cycle efficiency; shaping new industrial competitiveness and stimulating market's vitality.

II. Further reforming income allocation system, increasing the income of urban and rural residents through multichannel approach. This will be done by promoting high-quality employment, increasing the number of middle-income people and improving the redistribution system.

III. Narrowing the urban-rural gap in regional development and realizing the sharing of high-quality public services. This will be carried out by realizing integration development of urban and rural areas, improving their living condition and strengthening the building of social guarantee net.

IV. Building Zhejiang into a cultural highland in the new era, enriching people's cultural life and carrying forward Chinese traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.

V. Guided by the conviction that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, building a more beautiful and livable residential environment and fully promoting green transformation in modes of life and production.

VI. Developing new era's "Fengqiao experience", based on a township in Zhejiang province that focuses on the actual needs of urban residents, and creating comfortable and safe social environment.