
Quzhou boasts rural culture, art

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-07-15

衢州 山村画.jpgA vibrant artwork depicts villagers weaving bamboo products in a forest in Yudong village. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Yudong village – administered by Quzhou city, in East China's Zhejiang province – has been dubbed as one of the "Top Ten Farmer Painting Villages in China" and a "Home of Chinese Folk Culture and Art".

Recently, the opening ceremony of the Painting · Future China · Yudong Rural Future Community exhibition was held in the village. A future vision of rural areas with "international style, nostalgia, fashion and vitality in the south of the Yangtze River Delta region" was showcased through the paintings that went on display.

The paintings are said to depict the landscape, day-to-day lives of villagers, local customs and rural culture – with unique decorative styles combining bright colors, naive motifs and a wide range of stylized elements.

Some of artworks were reportedly created by people in their eighties and some were presented by children from the village.

In 2018, Yudong village was successfully established as a national 3A-level tourist attraction.

In addition, Yudong established the Quzhou Yudong Farmer Painting Development Co Ltd. It was jointly founded by the village collective, farmer painters and a professional management team, to promote the revitalization and development of Yudong on the road to "culture + tourism".