
Quzhou, Qufu ponder essence of Confucianism

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-09-08


A portrait of Confucius (551-479 BC)

The 2021 Cultural Season of Southern Confucianism was officially launched on Sept 6 – in Quzhou city, in East China's Zhejiang province – according to local media reports.

China's grand vision of helping to build a community with a shared future for mankind is rooted in the country's civilization and culture.

The philosopher and educator Confucius (551-479 BC) – born in Qufu city, in East China's Shandong province – honed and spread the ancient Chinese cultural tradition of Confucianism. This extols propriety, humaneness and righteousness. Confucianism promotes a naturally harmonious world under an asymmetrical system built out of mutual respect, community values and benevolence.

Quzhou – the home of Confucius's descendants – is also considered an origin of Confucianism. The city's Temple of Southern Confucianism is one of only two Confucian temples in China and is a key cultural heritage site under national protection.

In early 1129, Kong Duanyou, an officially recognized direct descendant of the 48th generation of the Confucian family tree, moved most of his family members along with Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) from Qufu while fleeing the invading Jin army. They headed south and finally resettled in Quzhou.

Since then, Quzhou has served as the second-largest center for studying, interpreting and spreading Confucian concepts in southern China.

Qufu and Quzhou have always maintained good relations with each other. In April 2019, a delegation led by Kong Lingyu, chairman of the CPPCC Qufu Municipal Committee, visited the Temple of Southern Confucianism in Quzhou. They paid a visit to Kong Xiangkai – the 75th eldest grandson of Confucius – and expressed their willingness to carry forwards and inherit the venerated traditional Confucian culture, together with clan family of Southern Confucianism.  

In addition, a cultural event to promote the brand of Quzhou city – known for being the "Home of Southern Confucianism · A Model City of Virtue" – took place in Shandong in April.