
Quzhou agriculture products woo buyers

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-09-16

三衢味.jpgA high-quality brand agricultural products promotional event is held in Quzhou. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

The fall selection for high-quality brand agricultural products in East China's Zhejiang province took place on Sept 8 in the city of Quzhou, according to local media on Sept 8.  

The event displayed nearly 1,000 brands from Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jilin provinces and other regions in China.

It is understood that 52 head agricultural products procurement units from the Yangtze River Delta region – including Alibaba-owned retailer Freshhema and US-based CR Vanguard Investment Strategy Group – also joined in with products selections and business matchmaking.  

Quzhou's popular food brand Sanquwei – which specializes in local farm products and delicacies that are ecofriendly, healthy and tasty – currently has 300 product bases in the city.

In 2020, total sales of Sanquwei products by authorized enterprises topped 5 billion yuan ($755.5 million).  

In a bid to develop the thoroughfare city as a common prosperity demonstration area, moving forwards plans are for Quzhou to use the Sanquwei brand to set up a bridge between consumers and products and help farmers increase their incomes.