
Special gathering woos top talent to Quzhou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-11-15

A special recruitment salon was recently held for those holding a PhD in chemical materials in the city of Quzhou, in East China's Zhejiang province, according to local media reports.

The PhD holders' salon is the sixth event in this year's "wise-men circle" series of activities for the recruitment of top talent in Quzhou and more than 50 PhD holders from the city participated in the activity. 

The organizers of the gathering introduced what they called the Quzhou Talent QR Code to participants during the event.

To date, the Quzhou Talent QR Code has launched more than 100 convenient online windows for top recruitment in local services, governmental services, entrepreneurship and innovation services and life services. Talent can apply on the Zheliban, a provincial official app for public services.