
Space station passes over Quzhou city

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-12-15

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The Tiangong space station passes over the city of Quzhou on Dec 6 and its path skips over the Qujiang Bridge. [Photo/WeChat account: quzhoufb]

The crew abroad China's Tiangong space station gave a live science lecture to Chinese students back on Earth on Dec 9.

The crewmates demonstrated how they work and live in the station, how to conduct a cytology – or cell biology -- check research experiment and how objects move in space, in an event which brought together the shared enthusiasm for such things of astronauts and earthbound kids.

Three days before the lecture, sky astronomy enthusiast Zhou Chuzhao captured images of the Tiangong space station passing over Quzhou city, located in East China's Zhejiang province, within the frame of the local Qujiang Bridge.

Statistics have shown that the space station orbits the Earth about every 90 minutes, meaning it encircles the planet more than 15 times a day.