
Quzhou city gets award for safety, stability

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2021-12-20

The city of Quzhou – located in East China's Zhejiang province – was awarded on Dec 14 with the honorary title of "Safe China Construction Demonstration City" and it also won the Chang'an Cup Award, at the Safe China Construction Commending Conference held in Beijing, capital of China.

In recent years, Quzhou has played a major role in many key events, which have all gone ahead without a hitch and in complete safety.

In addition, Quzhou has ramped up efforts to ensure the establishment of 21 local governance safety systems – including in schools and in hospitals – so as to help achieve the goal of "Safe China Construction".

Quzhou is also said to pay great attention to social synergy, workers, young women and other groups and organizations. It is home to some 4,282 social organizations which actively participate in risk prevention and control programs.

As of Dec 8, the number of telecom fraud cases and losses in the city in the year to date had declined by 21.67 percent and 7.23 percent year-on-year respectively. That gave the city the largest year-on-year decline in the number of electronics fraud cases and other financial losses in the province.

This year, 20 projects have been included in the local legislative plan – in such areas as the protection of historical and cultural blocks, home caring for the elderly and the development and revitalization of the ancient game of Go, also known as weiqi.