
Agricultural machinery aids spring ploughing

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-03-24


A farm drone works in a field in Longyou county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/qz123.com]

Agricultural machinery has been a boon to spring ploughing in Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

In the 100-mu (6.67-hectare) field in Longzhou street, Longyou county, two farm drones were used to sow seeds.

One farm drone can easily sow 100-mu cultivated land in just one day. It used to take five laborers to complete such a job.

In Huzhen town, Longyou county, an automatic soil loader, tray conveyor belt and forklift truck are used to speed up the cultivation and distribution of seedlings, reducing the number of laborers needed by seven to eight per day.

In Jiangshan, a county-level city in Quzhou, an online platform offering agricultural machinery services has been rolled out to speed up local preparations for spring farming.