
Macaque monkeys appear in Longyou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-04-01

Two adult and one young macaque monkeys were photographed in a bamboo forest in Lyucong Lake Wetland Park in Longyou county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, according to local media reports.

This is the first photo taken of a macaque monkey in Longyou county in several years.

Often traveling long distances, wild macaque monkeys are good seed dispersers, which benefits regional biodiversity and the exchange of genetic information, according to Dr Yoonjung Yi, a foreign expert who specializes in monkey research at Nanjing Forestry University and participated in a scientific expedition of Lyucong Lake wildlife.

It is important to protect the monkey's habitat in order to ensure its continued survival, added Dr Yoonjung Yi.


Various animals under national protection are photographed in the Lyucong Lake area in Longyou county in the past two years. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

In addition, various animals under national protection have appeared in the Lyucong Lake area in recent two years, including black muntjac, white-necked long-tailed pheasants and ocelots, reflecting the success of environmental protection efforts in Longyou county.