
​Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-04-11

Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park in Kaihua county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, is home to 500-800 wild black muntjacs, accounting for 10 percent of the world's total, and is the largest habitat for wild black muntjacs in China.


A black muntjac is photographed in Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park in Kaihua county, Quzhou. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

There are three types of muntjacs in China, and the black muntjac is a national first-class protected species and endemic species in China. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed it as a vulnerable species.

Black muntjac mainly lives in southern Anhui, western Zhejiang, eastern Jiangxi and Wuyi Mountain in northern Fujian, with a total range of 76,500 square kilometers. Wild black muntjacs mainly live in western Zhejiang and southern Anhui, with a population of only 5,000-8,000.

A healthy environment and strong protection measures are necessary for preserving biodiversity. A total of 2,244 species of higher plants, 414 species of vertebrates and 2,013 species of insects have been recorded in the forest park so far. It is one of 11 key terrestrial areas for biodiversity conservation in the country.