
​Changshan tea-picking locations

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-05-31

Songkeng White Tea Base


The Songkeng White Tea Base is located at the junction of Hejia township and Kaihua county in Quzhou, Zhejiang. [Photo/qz123.com]

The Songkeng White Tea Base is located at the junction of Hejia township and Kaihua county in Quzhou, Zhejiang. It is the only white tea base in the township.

White tea, one of six major types of tea in China, is so named because the finished tea is covered with white hairs.

Yinhao Huanggang Tea Garden


The Yinhao Huanggang Tea Garden is located in Hejia Township, Changshan county, Quzhou. [Photo/qz123.com]

The Yinhao Huanggang Tea Garden is located in Hejia Township, Changshan county, Quzou. It is surrounded by mountains, offering beautiful scenery.

Yinhao, a variety of green tea, is also known as Baimao tea or Baimaojian. It was created in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and was used as a tribute during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Changshan Yinhao is produced in the mountainous area and has been named the best tea in Quzhou. It is popular for its fresh and mellow taste.