
Night tours in Quzhou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-07-06

To boost the nighttime economy in the countryside of Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, various activities will be held in July and August, according to local media reports.

The first Future Village Rural Art Season kicked off in Yancun village, Hangbu town, Kecheng district on July 2 and will run until the end of August.

Performances themed on Song Dynasty (960-1279) culture, concerts in traditional Chinese style and a hanfu parade were held in Yancun village on July 2.


A musical performance is held in Lianhua future village. [Photo/qz123.com]

Every Saturday and Sunday from July to August, a night market will be held in Lianhua future village in Qujiang district.

In addition, the first Gandan Culture Festival of Heshaoxi future village was unveiled on July 2 and will end on July 31.

During the festival, various activities, including night market fairs, musical performances, a campfire party, a food festival and a sports meeting will be held every day from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm in Heshaoxi future village.