
Places in Quzhou to escape summer heat

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-07-12

Here are some great places in Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province to escape the summer heat.


An aerial photo of Huangtankou township in Qujiang district, Quzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/qz828.com]

Huangtankou township

Huangtankou township is located near the Wuxijiang River in the south of Qujiang district. It has a forest coverage rate of 92.36 percent, with high negative oxygen ion content.

The temperature in Huangtankou township in summer is between 24 C and 26 C, which is relatively comfortable.

Yaowang Mountain

The Yaowang Mountain Scenic Area is one of the main scenic spots of Ziwei Mountain Forest Park, a national forest park and a provincial scenic spot.

Its forest coverage rate exceeds 97 percent, offering shelter from the summer heat.

Occupying 15 square kilometers, the scenic area consists of three main spots: Shennong Gully, Mawei Waterfall and Stone Forest. Another 40 attractions are also located in the area, including Shentuo Peak, Wenhua Peak, the Residence of Yaowang and Dixin Pool.