
Quzhou enterprise becomes Asian Games egg supplier

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-09-21


Workers at Quzhou Dangedan Agricultural Science and Technology Co Ltd pack eggs in boxes. [Photo/qz123.com]

Quzhou Dangedan Agricultural Science and Technology Co Ltd in Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, was recently selected as the egg supplier for the 19th Asian Games, local media reported on Sept 19.


The automated sorting equipment in Quzhou Dangedan Agricultural Science and Technology Co Ltd. [Photo/qz123.com]

The company focuses on breeding green and pollution-free laying hens. The processes of feeding, temperature control, disinfection, and manure cleaning of laying hens are fully automated, which not only saves the costs of but also ensures egg quality.

The company raises 230,000 laying hens and produces 13 metric tons of eggs a day. During the Asian Games, it will supply 5 to 8 tons of eggs a day.