
​Recommended cycling routes in Longyou

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-10-11


An aerial view of a cycling road in Longyou county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/qz123.com]

Here are some recommended cycling routes in Longyou county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

Route one: Railway Heritage Park→Longzhou Park→Shuangjiangkou Park→Jiangbin Park

This cycling route spans 6 kilometers and the roads are flat and wide. It is suitable for cyclists looking for an easy ride.

Route two: Binjiang Road→Fengxiangzhou Viewing Bridge→Bamboo Zen Temple→Longyou Grottoes→Mahogany Town

The route from Binjiang Road to Mahogany Town is about 9 km with less traffic, making it an excellent route for enjoying scenery along the way.

Route three: Longyou Grottoes→Cuiguang Cliff→Zetan Lansheng Viewing Platform→Tuanshi Greenway

This 12-km-long route is the most popular green cycling route in Longyou county.

Route four: Lanshi Dam→Guancun Village→Jiangxi Dam→Lingqi Ferry→Shijiao Village

This cycling route spans about 16 km, making it challenging for newcomers. The cycling road is located amid mountains, forests and rivers.


Cattles can be seen along the cycling route from Lanshi Dam to Shijiao village in Longyou county, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/qz123.com]