
Golden ginkgo leaves light up Wushi Mountain

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2022-11-30


The leaves of thousand-year-old ginkgo trees turn gold in Wushi Mountain, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang. [Photo/qz123.com]

Ginkgo leaves in Wushi Mountain, Quzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, have recently entered their best viewing period as winter approaches.

Wushi Mountain in Sanguanling village, Huashu township, Kecheng district, is 521 meters above sea level.

There are three old ginkgo trees on the mountain, which are more than 1,100 years old.

Visitors often hang red ribbons on the ginkgo trees to pray for good luck.

The ancient path on the mountain is popular among hikers.


Red ribbons are hung on the tree to pray for good fortune. [Photo/qz123.com]