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Jiaxing streamlines application procedures for work, residence permits

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated : Nov 9, 2020

Jiaxing in East China's Zhejiang province has piloted streamlined application procedures for work and residence permits in Jiashan and Pinghu, local media reported.

An office exclusively for processing work and residence permits was established at the exit-entry office halls in both places by local public security agencies as the permits used to be issued by the science and technology bureau and public security agency respectively.

The office frees applicants from running between the two departments and reduces the application time from 30 days to three days.

The office is open to three kinds of foreign applicants – high-profile professionals, foreigners with professional skills, and well-educated foreigners.

The offices in Jiashan and Pinghu have served 492 foreigners since their operations started earlier this year.


Application procedures for work and residence permits at the offices established at the exit-entry office halls in Jiashan and Pinghu. [Photo/cnjxol.com]
