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Zhejiang strides toward common prosperity

By SHI JING and MA ZHENHUAN in Zhejiang| China Daily| Updated: August 2, 2021 L M S

Zhejiang town .jpg

A resident of Yaozhuang town, Jiashan county, Zhejiang, has her blood pressure checked at the local health center. [Photo by Zhu Xingxin/China Daily]

'Future communities'

The concept of common prosperity, one of whose aims is to reduce the wealth gap between urban and suburban areas, has also given rise to the emergence of more smart and "future communities" in Zhejiang's metropolitan and other urban areas.

In Hangzhou, the provincial capital and hub of the nation's internet economy, Young City (Yangliujun community) in Pengbu, Shangcheng district, has established a "future community".

Such a community, which was mentioned in the provincial government's report in 2019, is based on the concept of an urban development project that aims to make cities more people-oriented, environmentally friendly and digital.

Zhejiang plans to build some 100 pilot communities this year and implement the project throughout the province by the end of next year.

Hui Haitao, Party secretary of Pengbu, said: "Yangliujun community is the province's first transit-oriented development project. The community has a population of about 11,000, of which the post-1980s generation accounts for 62 percent."

As most of the community's residents are young, more attention has been paid to digital governance, education for all ages, a harmonious relationship with neighbors, and improved living standards.

The community's smart health station has built a "cloud consulting clinic" with Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou. The clinic enables remote electrocardiograph and ultrasound consultations through its 5G network. In addition, it provides international expert services for expatriates in the community.

Zhong Yinyan, director of the community health service center, said, "We introduced a new-version public health center, providing 24-hour self-service checkup services for community residents."

Doctors can establish health records for people online, setting up a loop for health management between residents and physicians, Zhong said.

To form a "mutual assistance" culture among neighbors, the community established a volunteer station, attracting stores in the area and local residents to provide 20 types of services.

One volunteer said, "The station provides residents with convenient services anytime, anywhere, including free appliance repairs, clothes-mending and haircutting. Community residents provide the services and receive the resources."

The community will also establish a "children's council" to encourage children to take part in public affairs decision-making, with the aim of enhancing their sense of ownership and social responsibility.

Hu Zhenhua, dean of the School of Business at Wenzhou University in Zhejiang, said that on the road to common prosperity it is vital to enhance residents' sense of achievement and happiness.

Jiang Lai contributed to this story.

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