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Zhejiang to enhance its intl communication capacity

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: September 2, 2021 L M S

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The theory learning group in the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee holds a conference on Aug 31. [Photo/zj.zjol.com.cn]

The theory learning group in the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee held a conference on Aug 31 to learn about the latest instructions from the CPC leadership, as well as to research ways of enhancing the province's international communication capacity and preserving its revolutionary tradition.

Yuan Jiajun, Party secretary of Zhejiang province, hosted the conference and gave a keynote speech.

Yuan noted that international communication and revolutionary tradition bear remarkable significance as this year is the centenary of the CPC's founding, is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, and marks the launch of the demonstration zone for common prosperity in Zhejiang.

Yuan added that it is an important strategy for the CPC and the nation to enhance its international communication capacity, which will bolster China's international image, global influence, and soft power. He said that the CPC leadership has already expounded in depth the orientations, principles, tasks, and strategies for enhancing its international communication capacity, which must serve as the fundamental guidelines for Zhejiang's efforts in this regard.

Yuan also stressed that Zhejiang authorities should put the instructions from the CPC leadership into practice and forge the province's international communication from the perspective of the national strategy. Yuan called on Zhejiang officials to accelerate the construction of a storytelling system with Chinese characteristics and Zhejiang style, as well as improve Zhejiang's international communication efficiency so that the province can contribute to creating a favorable international environment of public opinion for the nation.

In terms of revolutionary tradition, Yuan noted that Zhejiang is the birthplace of the "red boat spirit" and the breeding ground for a series of important thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. He called on Zhejiang officials to consistently follow instructions from the CPC leadership in preserving the province's Red resources and passing on its rich revolutionary tradition, which would provide strong motivations for the province's drive to achieve common prosperity.