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Shaoxing college students volunteer to teach English in malls

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: April 25, 2023 L M S

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Salespeople learn English to prepare for the upcoming Asian Games in Shaoxing. [Photo/Zhejiang Daily]

Students of the Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology have volunteered to teach English in shopping malls before the upcoming Asian Games, local media reported on April 24.

These students have prepared a teaching plan, which includes common words and phrases that may be used in different types of stores such as restaurants and clothing stores, as well as distributed handwritten cards containing Asian Games facts and situational dialogue examples.

Over 20 merchants and service staff participated in the lessons, which were part of efforts by Zhejiang authorities to promote English learning among different groups.

With the Asian Games drawing near, these efforts are vital to ensuring a welcoming experience for foreign visitors and showcasing the hospitality of Zhejiang, according to the government.