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Shaoxing releases health report on students

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: May 15, 2024 L M S

Shaoxing in East China's Zhejiang province released the 2023 Shaoxing Primary and Secondary School Students' Health Status and Residents' Dietary Nutrition Monitoring Results on May 15.

The report indicates that the overall growth and development of Shaoxing's primary and secondary school students remain stable, with height measurements consistent with previous years.

Notably, the increase in overweight and obesity rates has been effectively curbed. However, issues of both undernutrition and overnutrition persist.

The overweight detection rate among students was 14.89 percent, a decrease of 1 percentage point from 2022. The obesity detection rate was 11.91 percent, down 1.7 percentage points from the previous year. Despite these improvements, 8 percent of students were found to be undernourished, and 9 percent were anemic, with slight increases in both conditions.

Experts attribute these issues to poor lifestyle and dietary habits, including picky eating, snack preferences, high study pressure, insufficient exercise, and lack of sleep.

The monitoring results also detailed the dietary structure and nutrient intake of Shaoxing residents. While daily per capita intake of cereals, eggs, and cooking oils was within recommended ranges, meat, salt, and seafood consumption exceeded guidelines.

Conversely, intake of dairy products, soy products, fruits, and vegetables was below recommended levels, with dairy intake at only 155.89 grams per person per day, 51.96 percent of the recommended minimum.

"Individuals should consume at least 12 different types of food daily, but Shaoxing residents average only eight types," said Xing Chao, an authority with the Shaoxing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

He advised increasing the intake of fruits and dairy products between meals while reducing the consumption of meat, oil, and salt. Establishing a balanced diet and exercise routine is also recommended to maintain a healthy weight.