Intellectual property training for overseas professionals held online

Updated: September 23, 2022

The Beijing Overseas Talents Center, together with Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, hosted an online training course on September 21 for overseas professionals on the topic of pharmaceutical patent application and risk prevention. Over 20 representatives from China and abroad attended the training.


An online training course for overseas professionals on the topic of pharmaceutical patent application and risk prevention is held in Beijing on Sept 21.

Based on the newly revised Patent Law, intellectual property expert Li Min, vice-president of Beijing Sanju Sunshine Intellectual Property Service Co., shared her experience and thoughts on patent cultivation, layout and risk prevention in the pharmaceutical industry.

Fan Yanjie, director of the Direct Rights Protection Department of Beijing Intellectual Property Protection Center, together with Li, answered questions about patent ownership of jointly developed apps and patent security.


Intellectual property expert Li Min shares her experience and thoughts at the course.

After the activity, participants said the training was helpful, adding that they hope the Beijing Overseas Talents Center can hold similar activities in the future.

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