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E-commerce incubator opens in Zhanjiang

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-01-07

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An e-commerce incubator for college students was officially established on January 6. It will offer one-stop services including financing, training and marketing for college students to start businesses in e-commerce.

The incubator, located in Lingnan Normal University, can serve as an office for up to 120 college student entrepreneurs.

The incubator will be open to all students in Lingnan Normal University, especially juniors and seniors. The incubator was established to encourage entrepreneurship among young college students, who are facing a tough job market but prosperous e-commerce development.

The Zhanjiang government has been supportive of entrepreneurship among college graduates, as 16 supportive policies have been introduced.

The young entrepreneurs that meet the standards can get a loan of up to 100,000 yuan ($16,099) at a favorable lending rate.

Zhanjiang has established four incubators covering a total area of 120,000 square meters that can offer job opportunities for more than 8,000 people.
