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Cargo channel at Longbang Checkpoint starts operation


Updated: 2021-06-05

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The first truck to be discharged to cross the China-Vietnam border leaves from Naxi cargo transport channel at Longbang Checkpoint on June 1. [Photo by Dong Ning/China News Service]

A truck loaded with 30 metric tons of cloth was permitted to cross the China-Vietnam border at Longbang Checkpoint's Naxi cargo transport channel on June 1, marking the official opening of the temporary cargo channel. 

Longbang Checkpoint, located in Longbang town in Guangxi's Baise, lies across the border from Tra Linh in Vietnam's Cao Bang Province. It is a convenient land passage point for domestic regions such as west Guangxi, north Yunnan and south Guizhou to travel to ASEAN, and is also an important hub along the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

Staff members from Longbang Customs helped the truck driver deal with clearance procedures to ensure the cargo could pass port clearance quickly and smoothly. 

"Procedures such as declaration and tax payments could only be handled when we arrived at the checkpoint in the old days. Now we can finish these procedures before and go through the clearance quickly," said Huang Luye, the truck driver, who passed the clearance in less than 20 seconds.  

The convenient measures taken by Longchang Customs have significantly shortened the clearance time for trucks and cut down their costs.