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Qinzhou Port area becomes pioneer in sea-rail integration


Updated: 2024-05-22

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A view of Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal in Beibu Gulf Port. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_df8bc987e060]

Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal in Beibu Gulf Port is the first sea-rail combined container terminal in China and the world's first to employ the "U"-shaped operational scheme.

To enhance efficiency and save on costs, the automated terminal adopted a "U"-shaped scheme with multiple loading and unloading points and flexible container handling capabilities.

Located at the estuary of the New Western Land-Sea Trade Corridor, Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal serves as a hub where goods from China's western regions and ASEAN countries converge before being distributed to domestic and international markets. The integration of high technology and sea-rail transport ensures the terminal's operational efficiency and capacity.

In the first quarter of this year, Guangxi's trade with Vietnam exceeded 70 billion yuan ($9.7 billion), a historic high. Over 5,000 metric tons of Southeast Asian fruits entered the Chinese market through Qinzhou Port, a 215 percent year-on-year increase.

Currently, the New Western Land-Sea Trade Corridor operates 21 sea-rail combined train routes, serving 152 railway stations in 72 cities across 18 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China. This network connects to 503 ports in 121 countries and regions worldwide.