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Promotion conference of 21st China-ASEAN Expo boosts regional cooperation


Updated: 2024-06-05

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On May 30, the 21st China-ASEAN Expo Promotion Conference was held in Manila, Philippines. More than 100 people, including Filipino entrepreneurs, attended the event. For the first time, the conference was broadcast online, attracting viewers from various regions in the Philippines.

Ceferino Rodolfo, deputy head of the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry, had high praise for the China-ASEAN Expo as a high-level platform for friendly exchanges and emphasized its role in serving the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.

He mentioned that the China-ASEAN Expo has helped the Philippines establish good economic and trade relations with China and other ASEAN countries, providing a platform to enhance the Philippines' foreign trade and promote investment cooperation. Additionally, it has created employment opportunities and brought about socio-economic benefits for the Philippines.

Over the past 20 years, the China-ASEAN Expo has evolved into a significant cooperation platform for China-ASEAN collaboration, promoting regional economic integration and serving as a popular regional public product and international cooperation platform. It has received high praise from leaders and business communities in China, the Philippines, and ASEAN countries, effectively advancing regional cooperation and mutual development.