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Maonan autonomous county celebrates its 30th anniversary

Maonan autonomous county celebrates its 30th anniversary


Locals in Guangxi Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county, dressed in their holiday costumes, sang and danced on Nov 18 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the only autonomous county with a Maonan ethnic minority population.

Happy 30th anniversary to South China's Huanjiang Maonan county

Happy 30th anniversary to South China's Huanjiang Maonan county


Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county, an ethnic minority area in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, celebrated its 30th anniversary on Nov 18 as it continues to work hard to eliminate poverty and build a moderately prosperous society in step with other parts of the country.

New road brings Huanjiang closer to downtown Hechi


A secondary road connecting Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county and Dongjiang town in Jinchengjiang district was opened to traffic on Nov 15, after three years' construction.

Huanjiang claims world's largest bronze drum

Huanjiang claims world's largest bronze drum


A giant bronze drum is seen in Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county, Southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Nov 19, 2017.

Hechi releases healthcare plan

Hechi releases healthcare plan


Hechi released the latest details of the city's development in healthcare at a press conference on Nov 14, highlighting the improvements that have been made in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region city as well as future plans.

Mulam ethnic group celebrates Yifan festival in Luocheng

Mulam ethnic group celebrates Yifan festival in Luocheng


Actors perform a dance during the Yifan festival in Luocheng, Southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Nov 7, 2017. Local villagers of Mulam ethnic group gathered here to celebrate the festival of "Yifan", meaning thankfulness and good harvest in the language of Mulam ethnic group.

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