Baiyun Israel Innovation Exhibition Center unveiled

Updated : May 24, 2022

The Israel-Baiyun Government and Enterprise Exchange Meeting was held on Aug 31 in Guangzhou’s Baiyun district. More than 40 Chinese and Israeli enterprises attended the meeting.

As the first Israeli industrial resources exchange activity launched in the district, the event was hosted by Baiyun district and undertaken by Helong sub-district and the Guangzhou Modern Urban Renewal Industry Development Center.

At the meeting, the district government and the Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou unveiled the Baiyun Israel Innovation Exhibition Center. The center will settle in the Design Capital of Guangzhou.

Covering an area of 8,000 square meters, the project aims to introduce high-tech enterprises in the fields of Israeli smart cities, scientific and technological research, and innovative design. Enterprises that settle in the center will enjoy a series of supporting policies, including rent subsidies.

Peleg Lewi, consul-general of Israel in Guangzhou, participated in the event and said that he expects more Israeli enterprises to settle in the district and hopes the two sides will cooperate to build more smart cities.

At a signing ceremony for smart city construction, renowned Israeli enterprises, including Gauzy, Mottech and SolardEdge, promoted and displayed their projects, which include new glass materials, sustainable water treatment, intelligent energy, agriculture, and intelligent robots.


Representatives from Baiyun district and Israeli enterprises attend the Israel-Baiyun Government and Enterprise Exchange Meeting on Aug 31. [Photo/Nanfang Plus]

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