Baiyun to add two municipal libraries

Updated : August 10, 2022


People read and study in a public library. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

Guangzhou Second Library and Guangzhou Second Children's Library will settle in Guangzhou's Baiyun district, according to the recently released five-year plan (2022-26) on building Guangzhou into a "city of libraries."

The plan states that more consideration will be given to the urban-rural junctions and outer suburban areas when choosing the locations of new libraries, with the goal of improving public cultural facilities in suburban areas.

It will also focus on grassroots-level libraries, which will be built and upgraded into new public cultural spaces that integrate multiple functions, such as public reading, art exhibitions, as well as cultural salons.

In addition, Guangzhou will innovate the "library + school" model by enhancing cooperation between libraries and schools, such as integrating the resources of public and school libraries for overall management and distribution.

Guangzhou is expected to develop into a "city of libraries" and "city of reading" with 3,000 public libraries and service points, as well as upgraded smart libraries above the town and street level that will be put into service by 2026.

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