Guiyang promotes rural environment improvement


About 120 officials of the Guiyang bureau of ecology and environment attend the conference on alleviating poverty with environmental protection in rural areas. [Photo/]

The Guiyang bureau of ecology and environment held a conference on alleviating poverty with environmental protection in rural areas on March 23.

The bureau will focus on the comprehensive improvement of rural non-point source pollution control, drinking water source protection, and soil pollution control.

The conference determined that the bureau should take the comprehensive improvement of rural environment as a priority by supervising individual workshops and intensive livestock farms, as well as constructing pollution treatment facilities to guarantee drinking water safety.

The bureau will also enhance law enforcement in key areas, such as automatic monitoring facilities of pollution and centralized drinking water sources, to prevent the transfer of pollution from urban to rural areas.

In addition, the bureau will strengthen its communication with Longjiang village in Xinbao township, Wudang district and Dahong village in Shidong town, Xifeng county to learn residents' needs during the novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control period, as well as provide targeted help.