More 5G base stations to be installed in Guian New Area

To speed up new infrastructure construction, Guian New Area in Southwest China's Guizhou province will start to construct the first batch of 188 5G base stations this year.

Since China Tower's Guiyang branch started 5G base station construction in Guian last year, 92 5G base stations were installed in 61 days covering 10 universities, two vocational high schools, and several main roads in the college town.

Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the demands of online education, logistics coordination, and work from home have increased, which has made 5G infrastructure essential.

As China Tower's Guiyang branch resumed work in March, 40 workers have completed the construction of 122 5G base stations, covering eight main roads, 10 industrial parks, and six residential communities.

The remaining 5G base stations will be completed in May to cover more communities and universities in the college town.

The 5G network coverage in schools and urban centers will speed up the integration of 5G with education, manufacturing and commerce, which will promote the transformation and upgrading of the economy.