Guiyang becomes member of global city, government group

Guiyang – the capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province – recently gained approval to become an official member of the United Cities and Local Governments, or UCLG.

UCLG is the biggest international organization for cities and local governments with members in 140 countries, including over 1,000 city members and 112 national local government association members.

Guiyang received its membership certificate from Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, secretary general of UCLG's Asia-Pacific section.

UCLG gave Guiyang the green light after reviewing its rapid economic growth, achievements in its environmentally friendly growth, advantages in its big data industry, foreign exchanges and increasing number of international friendly cities and sister cities.

After joining the UCLG, Guiyang will aim to work with other members to share resources, enhance communications, attend activities, learn from the experience in city construction from other members, carry out cooperation with them and become a friendly city with more members.

UCLG aims to build a communication network between global local governments to boost understanding and cooperation, as well as to help local governments to deal with the challenges brought about by globalization and the urbanization process.