A total of 18,000 metric tons of soybeans imported from Uruguay arrived at the Guiyang Free Trade Zone in Guizhou province on Sept 25, marking the launch of Guizhou's first imported-grain processing project.
The project is a result of the bonded area's efforts to promote local grain, feed and food processing industries.
Thanks to the full support of the bonded area and Guiyang customs in project approval, warehouse leasing and factory construction, the project's implementer has secured the province's first food processing certificate and built the province's imported-grain processing based within five months, according to a manager of the company.
It is predicted that the project will import over 40,000 tons of grain from countries such as Russia and Ukraine by the end of this year.
Also, Guiyang customs further simplified cargo transportation procedures to improve the transportation efficiency of imported grain. The inspection and quarantine of imported grains are also emphasized to ensure that no harmful foreign organisms are brought into the country.
Customs authorities will give the bonded area added support in developing the grain, feed and food processing industries to secure an adequate supply of grains in the province and contribute to its foreign trade development.
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