Freight trains between Guiyang, Qinzhou operate regularly


Special freight trains between Guiyang and Qinzhou Port are now under operation. [Photo/Guiyang news network]

A freight train carrying 60 standard containers of 1,650 metric tons of cement clinker departed from the Guiyang Dulaying International Land-Sea Logistics Port in Southwest China's Guizhou province to Qinzhou Port in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on April 21.

The departure of the train marks the start of a regular direct railway between Guiyang and Qinzhou Port. The route will reduce logistics costs, save time, balance market sales and purchasing needs, and protect the environment.

The route will mainly transport bulk cargo and will operate twice a week. Guizhou Railway Investment Dula Logistics Co, operator of the route, will increase the frequency of freight trains on the route in the future to help Guizhou build stronger logistics channels, create opening-up platforms, construct dry ports, and enhance its position in the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.