Local snacks and street food like noodle soup with swine intestine and blood and bean curd balls are highlights of the documentary series. [Photo provided to China Daily]
The show applied high-definition and macrophotography to zoom into chemical reactions inside the food, with a narration explaining the subtle changes. This allows audiences to see how the raw materials become what they are on the table.
Each area or region has its own flavor developed over time. The steps taken to prepare food may seem complicated at first, especially to outsiders, but they are all part of the traditions passed on.
It is this approach, of not being hurried or rushed, that helps preserve the authentic flavor of the region, says Hu Zhitang, director of the series.
Although the show prefers not to reveal the exact names and locations of the restaurants and food booths involved, some of the audience try to identify the locations. It's like a treasure hunt and "screen bullets" are used in real time with comments drifting on the screen.
The producing team from the documentary studio DOClabs has been cultivating the field of cuisine documentary for years. One of its founders is Chen Xiaoqing, a pioneering documentary director among his peers.
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