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Shuanglong zone achieves annual target for introducing talent ahead of schedule

english.guiyang.gov.cn |Updated: 2023-11-08 14:05:33

The Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone has introduced 2,014 talents so far this year, exceeding its annual target of 2,000 people, and completing the annual target ahead of schedule.

To expand channels for talent introduction and cultivation, the zone has explored ways to attract talent and paved the way for attracting various types of talent, such as university graduates, big data professionals, and professionals in the manufacturing industry.

So far, more than 200 companies in the zone have held eight special recruitment events at Guizhou University and other universities in the province.

An online talent attraction zone has been established to regularly recommend job opportunities to graduate students, with a total of 93 companies providing 2,452 jobs.

For graduates who have not found employment since graduating, the zone has organized special recruitment fairs with the participation of local companies.

In addition, the zone has actively engaged in activities such as high-level talent exchange meetings and expert and doctoral visits to industrial parks, strengthening communication and exchange among talent.

Moving forward, efforts will be made to improve the zone's talent service system, optimize the talent development environment, and provide basic guarantees for outstanding talent.

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