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Engebei ecological zone recognized for biodiversity efforts

2022-12-19 (chinadaily.com.cn)


Lush trees and clear water are seen in the Engebei Ecological Demonstration Zone in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region. [Photo/egb.ordos.gov.cn]

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has selected the Engebei Ecological Demonstration Zone to be part of its 2022 list of excellent biodiversity cases.

The zone is located in the Dalad Banner of Ordos city in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and is the only selected case in Inner Mongolia.

The selection of the Engebei Ecological Demonstration Zone has fortified Inner Mongolia's objective to better protect its biodiversity and promote the construction of its ecological civilization.


Green trees have been planted in the Engebei Ecological Demonstration Zone to treat sandy land areas. [Photo/egb.ordos.gov.cn]


Lush trees and clear water are seen in the Engebei Ecological Demonstration Zone in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region. [Photo/egb.ordos.gov.cn]

In recent years, the demonstration area has adhered to the concept of "ecological priority and green development", and was successful in turning a desert into an oasis by planting trees, diverting floods to control sand, and clearing land for land reclamation.

At present, the vegetation coverage rate in the demonstration zone has reached 78 percent, the forest coverage rate there has reached 41 percent, and the species of animals and plants have increased from more than 20 to over 600 species.


Lush trees turn the once sandy land in the Engebe Ecological Demonstration Zone into an oasis. [Photo/egb.ordos.gov.cn]