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China-Mongolia joint laboratory officially established

2023-06-28 (goinnermongolia.com.cn)

The China-Mongolia Joint Laboratory for Mineral Processing Technology under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was officially established in Hohhot, the capital of North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, on June 27.

Approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the joint laboratory is a national-level platform for scientific and technological cooperation in the mining resources field between China and Mongolia.

It was jointly established by the Inner Mongolia Academy of Science and Technology and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

Both China and Mongolia will focus on making better use of their mineral resources and collaborating to solve key technical difficulties in geological mineral research, mining and mineral processing technology research, the efficient separation and clean utilization of mineral resources, system integration and process optimization design, industrial energy conservation, and solid waste recycling.

According to the plan, the joint laboratory will be equipped with corresponding venues, facilities for experiments and testing, as well as research and management teams. It aims to establish a long-term mechanism for talent cultivation and exchanges, and an efficient and open operational management mechanism to achieve talent and technology sharing.

In the future, the two parties will strive to build the joint laboratory into a key laboratory for Sino-Mongolian scientific and technological cooperation.