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Inner Mongolia companies shine at digital, software services fair

2023-07-28 (goinnermongolia.com.cn)

The China International Digital and Software Services Fair 2023, with the theme of  "Integrated Development Empowered by Digital Innovation," was recently held in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province.

The esteemed Inner Mongolia delegation made a notable presence at the prestigious fair, showcasing the region's technological prowess and innovative strides in recent years. 

Comprising more than 60 distinguished representatives hailing from renowned information technology companies, the delegation captivated the attention of industry peers from all corners of the nation. With enthusiasm and pride, they divulged their groundbreaking smart achievements and technological advancements, shedding light on the transformative potential of innovation in Inner Mongolia.

The Inner Mongolia exhibition booth at the event was themed "technological innovation boosts industrial development in Inner Mongolia."

The participating companies from the Inner Mongolia delegation left no stone unturned as they showcased their highly specialized products and cutting-edge technical content at the fair. With a strong focus on digital technology, they presented the latest and most remarkable achievements from the region. The exhibition was a testament to the remarkable strides made in various sectors, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data analytics, and advanced telecommunications systems.

The showcased areas include facial recognition, renewable energy power prediction, smart communities, supply chain, intelligent comprehensive management and control, comprehensive foreign trade services, surveying and mapping geographic systems, and others.