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Employment policy for college graduates in Baotou (Part 3)

By Lu Wei Updated: 2019-05-28

Promote the employment of unemployed college graduates

1. Promote the real-name registration of unemployed college graduates

College graduates with Baotou household registration can enroll at the human resources department of the banner, county, district, or Baotou Rare Earth High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, where household registration is located.

After registration, graduates can log in to the official website for Inner Mongolia graduates to register a personal account and fill in personal information. After management personnel has verified and approved the information, the list of recommended unemployed graduates who have left school this year will be accepted to participate in the employment recommendation process.

2. Flexible employment college graduates enjoy preferential policies

Flexible employment college students will be given a certain amount of social insurance subsidy after they have registered their names with the community public employment service platform and paid social insurance premiums, according to regulations. The amount of subsidies should not exceed 2/3 of their actual payment in principle, and the maximum is no more than two years.

Improve the employment capacity of college graduates

1. Public training bases provide free training for college graduates

Establish and improve the city's integrated employment and entrepreneurship training service system for college students, and provide free training for college students who are employed in business.

Encourage university students to participate in vocational skills training and vocational skills appraisal. Those who have obtained vocational qualification certificates, shall be given training subsidies or one-off vocational skills appraisal subsidies, according to regulations.

2. Preferential policies for college students who participate in vocational skills training

Encourage college students to participate in vocational skills training, and directly subsidize the individual through training subsidies. Each person enjoys employment skills improvement training free of charge every year, and a one-time skill appraisal subsidy is given free of charge. University graduates who want to participate in vocational skills training and vocational skills appraisal can participate in free vocational skill training offered by institutions recognized by the municipal human resources and social security bureau.

3. Encourage college graduates to participate in internships and apprenticeships

Starting Jan 1, 2019, a special internship program will be implemented. By 2021, some 5,000 young people, mainly being college graduates, will be organized to participate in job internships and apprenticeships.

The scope of employment apprenticeship subsidies will be extended from unemployed college graduates who have left school to unemployed youths aged 16-24. The standard apprenticeship subsidy is 1,000 yuan ($145) per person per month.

Efforts will be made to strengthening management appraisal of the college graduate employment apprenticeship system, identifying new youth employment apprentice bases, further broadening the employment apprenticeship field, and enriching the employment training content.

Each year, taking the number of job trainees and retention rate of the apprenticeship period into consideration, employment apprenticeship bases with outstanding performances will be given awards and funding.