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4 academies in Baotou approved vitalizing agriculture

Updated: 2022-11-25

The China Rural Professional Technology Association recently approved the establishment of Inner Mongolia science and technology academies for the Guyang sheep industry, Tumd Right Banner crosne, Jiuyuan tomato, and Darhan Muminggan Banner cattle industry in Baotou.

The Inner Mongolia Tumd Right Crosne Science and Technology Academy was included among the first group of academies supported by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and China Association for Science and Technology.

The academy is intended to promote rural vitalization by integrating talent training, scientific and technological innovation, and social services.

Agricultural graduate students will be assigned to work in agricultural production at the academy for a long period of time and will focus on knowledge acquisition as well as solving practical problems related to agricultural and rural production.

Moving forward, the Baotou municipal association for science and technology will promote the construction of the academies as well as explore new science and technology models to rejuvenate agriculture and enrich farmers.