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Baotou attracts investment in wind power equipment industry

Updated: 2024-05-11

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Baotou holds a wind power equipment industry investment promotion conference on May 9. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]

A wind power equipment industry investment promotion conference was held in Baotou city, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, on May 9.

The event aimed to facilitate cooperation and partnerships between 97 companies across various sectors, including wind power equipment manufacturing, wind power development, as well as supporting industries from both within and outside Inner Mongolia.

Currently, Baotou is vigorously developing its wind power equipment industry to become a flagship industrial cluster in the city. The city's beneficial policies and extensive application scenarios regarding the new energy industry have created promising prospects for investors in the wind power equipment sector.

During the conference, districts and counties of Baotou focused on connecting with 37 enterprises, such as Guangda Special Material Co and Sungrow Power Co, in order to further expand the city's investment path in the new energy sector.

Specifically, Shiguai district signed cooperation agreements with 9 external suppliers, formalizing projects that relate to wind power castings, wind power extruded plates, wind power nacelles, and wind power generators.

After the conference, participating companies also visited the Baotou Shiguai Wind Power Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park for on-site inspections and in-depth discussions on cooperation matters.

Next, Baotou plans to attract more major wind power industry projects to settle in the city by providing additional favorable policies and leveraging its abundant onshore wind energy resources.