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Baotou allocates funds to increase employment

Updated: 2024-05-28

The Baotou bureau of finance intensified the coordination of fiscal resources in 2024. From January to April, the bureau allocated 323 million yuan ($44.57 million) in employment subsidy funds, an increase of 42.17 million yuan from the same period last year, marking a 15-percent year-on-year growth.

Baotou has secured employment subsidy funds from higher authorities to support various districts and counties in expanding employment channels and assisting individuals facing employment difficulties. Efforts have been focused on ensuring employment for key groups, including college graduates.

As part of these efforts, the bureau allocated 75.66 million yuan in special funds to support university graduates participating in community volunteer service programs, public welfare positions, and talent reserve projects for small and medium-sized enterprises. These subsidies have provided 2,939 university graduates with living allowances.

Additionally, the bureau provided 62.64 million yuan in job and social security subsidies to increase employment among older individuals and others, benefiting 10,847 people.

Furthermore, Baotou allocated 3.44 million yuan in special funds to focus on employment and entrepreneurship training for rural migrant workers, registered urban and rural unemployed persons, and those facing employment difficulties. Training programs focused on the fields of photovoltaic module manufacturing, e-commerce, and bread baking, benefiting 3,167 people.

Baotou is currently home to 10 national-level skilled talent training bases and 18 at the autonomous region level.